Class 12th English

Class 12th English “A Pinch of Snuff'” Chapter Subjective Question, 12th English Chapter Wise Question

Class 12th English “A Pinch of Snuff'” Chapter Subjective Question, 12th English Chapter Wise Question

“A Pinch of Snuff'”

Long Answer Questions

1. Nanukaka tells lots of lies. Why does he do so? Does he succeed in his pursuit?

Ans. Nanukaka tells lots of lies to achieve his aim. He wants people to help him. Nanukaka wanted to meet the Welfare Minister. But it was no easy task. For this Nanukaka played a trick that made the minister come and see him. In fact he was successful in his pursuit. He met minister in only two days.

2. What impression does Nanukaka make on you? Do you like him? Attempt a character sketch of Nanukaka. 

Ans. Nanukaka is an interesting person. He makes impression of a clever witted man. He knows very well how to gain his aim. He doesn’t hesitate to speak lies in the matter of his work. Of course I like him. Nanukaka is sharp witted, clever man. He not disturb is in any situation. He knows how to use situations to his profit. He tries to know the weak point of a person. He can do and speak anything to complete his mission and work. He is an image of supreme canfidence.

3. Suppose you have Nanukaka as your uncle. How would you behave with him? Explain in detail. 

Ans. If Nanukaka were my uncle I would behave nicely with him. I would share my thought with him and would take interest in his work. I would learn what things impress which class of person. I would have bean logical and frank with him. I would see him preparing for the next victim and enjoy every moment of his presence. I would show my affection to him.

4. Nanukaka made a big promise to Sohanlal Ratiram. Did he ever fulfil his promise?

Ans. Nanukaka did not know Hajrat Barkat Ali. He only pretended that Hajrat Barkat Ali was his close friend. Probably he had never seen him. He had no intention to keep his promise. It was a false promise and was not meant to be kept.

5. Can a person like Nanukaka be more successful in the present society? Give reasons. 

Ans. Yes, I think a person like Nanukaka can be more successful in present society. People want to be successful by hook or by crook. People who follow the rules are left far behind by those that flout the rules and cheat people. Siraple people become easy prey to false hope. Cunning and dishonest and liar people grab more power. If they become politically powerful, they can manage to circumvent the law. In present time deceitful and deceptive people are given more respect than the truthful and good people.

6. ‘I wonder what is going to happen when the Minister discovers that my uncle has never been within hundred miles of a place called Ninnore… Only, when it happens I want to be somewhere far out of range.’ What light does it throw on the motive of the writer in the story? – Does he want to glorify manipulation? Warn us of the consequences which its discovery leads to? Expose the reality we are living in? 

Ans. Nanukaka manipulates situations and deceives others. But the author does not call him so. Nanukaka pretented as the State Astrologer of Ninnore. The author is afraid that truth being discovered later. He does not want to be seen as an accomplice of lier and a cheat. The motive of the writer is not to glorify the spirit of manipulation. He wants to warns us about such consequences which the discovery of the reality leads to be trouble sooner or later.

7. What is ‘linguistic emergency”? Do we all face it? How does it affect our speech? 

Ans. Linguistic Emergency’ is the situation when we want to express our anger in abusive words. This is a situation that everyone of us can face. Some people would say some. words at such occasion that they are habitual of saying. We begin to use abusive words mostly used in our mother tongue. Sometimes it is no directed towards anyone in particular.

8. Discuss the significance of the title? How is it related to the theme of the story? 

Ans. The story is a comedy and revolves around the character of Nanukaka. 

‘A Pinch of Snuff’ represents the special feature and habitual practice of, main character of the story. Nanukaka is in the habit of using snuff. All his decisions are taken after he has sniffed a pinch of snuff. 

This title has a greater significance too. The story itself is like a pinch of snuff for the reader. ‘A Pinch’ means little snuff can be taken to be the mixture of comedy, fun and adventure. So, the title is related to the theme of the story.

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