Class 12th English “India Through A Traveller’s Eye” Chapter Subjective Question, 12th English Chapter Wise Question
“India Through A Traveller’s Eye”
Long Answer Questions
1. How does Pearl S. Buck describe Kashmir?
Ans. According to Pearl S. Buck, long ago white barbarians from Europe invaded in Kashmir. Kashmiri people are often fair complexioned with auburn hair. Their skin is of lovely cream colour and their features are as classic as the Greek.
2. How has India influenced the world in the post Independent era?
Ans. India has been a source of lesson for the whole world. Indian culture and beliefs has influenced the whole world. It has taught us that we cannot achieved anything through war. The peace and harmony is essential for this world. India’s struggle of Independence without violence has become an ideal for the whole world. India has a unique confidence and unyielding idealism. With these things india has influenced the world.
3. Why had the Indian intellectuals decided not to support the British in the Second World War?
Ans. During the first World War, the British had made some promises regarding the freedom of India because India had supported the British. But after the war ended, the British did not keep their promises. The Indian intellectuals were very disappointed at this behavior. So, in Second World war they decided not to support the British. They would not be forced, as they declared in the Ist World War, to fight at England’s command.
4. What lesson had India taught the humanity by gaining Independence?
Ans. India’s struggle for independence was non-violent. By winning independence without bloodshed India taught the world that a noble end is assured only if it is achieved by noble means.
After independence, India has managed her independency by producing superior individuals. In these few short years of freedom, we have prove that through stern determination and peaceful measures all aims can be gained.
5. What was the psychological impact of colonisation on Indian people?
Ans. The psychological impact of colonisation on Indian people was that many have started feelling inferior. The prolonged British rules enervated and exhausted the Indians. They were deprived of enthusiasm and initiative. They had started considering the English as their real master. The colonial system provided them with infinite excuses against work and helping themselves. At the same time these were some groups who got strength to go against this.
6. Who, according to Buck, could be the real leaders of Indian people?
Ans. According to Buck, people who were capable of renunciation could be the real leaders of Indian people. Such people sacrificed their whole life in the service of motherland and want nothing against their work. They renounce their personal benefits for the sake of an ideal. Only such people could be the real leaders of India.
7. What are some of the features of Indian family life, as noticed by Buck?
Ans. Buck observed that Indian homes were mud-walled and the roof was made of thatch. The floors were smooth and polished with the usual mixture of cowdung and water. People use right hand for eating and the left hand for lowly work. Hands are washed before eating. Food was served on fresh, green banana leaves. Religion is ever- present in Indian life at its best.
8. Why did the writer believe that her book ‘Come, My Beloved’ was not a puzzlement to the people of India?
Ans. Buck wrote the book ‘Come, My Beloved’ after return from India. She says that most American people could not understand the real meaning of book because they did not know that the price of achievement. But the people of India know what it is to be willing to pay the cost of an idealism in full. That is why she believes that her book was not a puzzlement for people of India.
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इन्हें भी पढ़े :-
- बातचीत
- उसने कहा था
- सम्पूर्ण क्रांति
- अर्धनारीश्वर
- रोज
- एक लेख और एक पत्र
- ओ सदानीरा
- सिपाही की माँ
- प्रगीत और समाज
- जूठन
- हँसते हुए मेरा अकेलापन
- तिरिछ
- शिक्षा
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