Class 12th English

Class 12th English “Bharat is My Home” Chapter Subjective Question, 12th English Chapter Wise Question

Class 12th English “Bharat is My Home” Chapter Subjective Question, 12th English Chapter Wise Question

“Bharat is My Home”

Long Answer Questions

1. “This work, as I see it, has two aspects.What are the two aspects of worksExplain in your own words. 

Ans. The two aspects of works, as mentioned by Dr. Zakir Husain are work individually and work at social level. Both are equally productive aspects of work. Individual work means to work on one’s self. This type of work is to follow the urge towards moral development as a self person. It results in morally developed distinctive character. The social work is work for society around. The individual can not grow in full perfection without social help. If we do our individual work at society level, it definitely serves many people and justifies its usage.

2. What did Dr Zakir Husain say about material and cultural life, individual and social development, giving a special flavour to India? 

Ans. Dr. Zakir Husain wants India to develop materially and culturally. According to him, material and cultural life, individual and social development giving a special flavour to India. He made a commitment of loyalty to India’s past culture. There are many castes, religions and languages in India. We have to see that ail of them have the equal opportunity to develop. Work on one’s self means one’s moral development as a free and disciplined citizen. The happiness of the individual largely depends on the collective happiness of the society. If the society as whole is not developed, the improvement of the self is meaningless for individual and society are interdependent.

3. ‘Power should be used only for moral purposes.’ Explain.

Ans. Power plays a dominant role in human society. Power of a man, power of society and power of state are the main kinds of power. According to Mahatma Gandhi, power should be used only for moral purposes. If we have power to do something we should use it for geniune purpose because when we use it enmorrally it becomes an evil faculty. Moral use of power does not only increase our prestige in society but it also doubles our strength.

4. The past is not dead and static’ How does Zakir Husain emphasise the significance of past? 

Ans. Dr. Zakir Husain remarks that past is neither dead nor static, it is alive, dynamic, energetic and involved in determining the quality of our present and the prospects of coming future. We cannot neglect the past civilization and culture of a country determine our present. A nation is known by its civilization and culture which continue to flow like a perennial river. It decides outlook of our future. So, though the past is gone, it does keep the strength of deciding thing of present and future. These values become inadequate with circumstances but they are never dead or static.

5. What does Zakir Husain exhort us to do to build the new life of the nation?

Ans. Dr. Zakir Husain exhort us to work for the building of a new life of the nation. He wants each of us to work tirelessly to uphold old values and serve the people without any consideration of caste, religion, language and creed. We have to participate in this building in our own individual way. No one can sit idle and watch things happening. We have to work to build a just prosperous and graceful life. This enormous task can be achieved if we improve our personality. We should be self disciplined and moral. Only then we can build a beautiful, graceful, powerful and prosperous India.

6. In what context does Dr Zakir Husain say “Bharat is my home”?

Ans. Dr. Zakir Husain born in India, and he had played, lived, eaten, drunk in the lap of India. He thinks that people of India are his family and he has been chosen by the members of family, head of the family for some-time. He pledged to serve this family and strive for its welfare. He pledged to work for the welfare of people irrespective of colour, caste, creed, religion or language. In this context he says that Bharat is his home.

Class 12th English Chapter “Indian Civilization and Culture” Subjective Question, 12th English Chapter Wise Question, Class 12th English “Bharat is My Home” Chapter Subjective Question, 12th English Chapter Wise Question

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Class 12th English Chapter “Indian Civilization and Culture” Subjective Question, 12th English Chapter Wise Question, Class 12th English “Bharat is My Home” Chapter Subjective Question, 12th English Chapter Wise Question

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