Class 12th English “A Marriage Proposal” Chapter Subjective Question, 12th English Chapter Wise Question

Class 12th English “A Marriage Proposal” Chapter Subjective Question, 12th English Chapter Wise Question “A Marriage Proposal” Long Answer Questions 1. On the basis of your reading of Scene I, do you think that Lomov and Choobookov are cordial neighbours?  Ans. Yes, I think that Lomov and Choobookov are cordial neighbour. They are good to each […]

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Class 12th English “The Artist” Chapter Subjective Question, 12th English Chapter Wise Question

Class 12th English “The Artist” Chapter Subjective Question, 12th English Chapter Wise Question “The Artist” Long Answer Questions 1. Who was Seibei? What was his hobby?  Ans. Seibei was a twelve years old boy who was still in primary school. His father worked at a carpenter’s shop. His hobby was to wander about in town […]

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Class 12th English “ideas that have helped mankind” Chapter Subjective Question, 12th English Chapter Wise Question

Class 12th English “ideas that have helped mankind” Chapter Subjective Question, 12th English Chapter Wise Question “ideas that have helped mankind” Long Answer Questions 1. Discuss the ideas that have helped mankind. Ans. The ideas have helped mankind in many ways. These ideas can be divided into two categories: those that contribute to knowledge and […]

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Class 12th English “I have a Dream” Chapter Subjective Question, 12th English Chapter Wise Question

Class 12th English “I have a Dream” Chapter Subjective Question, 12th English Chapter Wise Question “I have a Dream” Long Answer Questions 1. The life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination.’ Elaborate.  Ans. In America, the life of the Negro is very sad. Their life […]

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